Gerald Hector welcomes to his podcast the incomparable Mr. Neil "Shaka" Hislop. He is an accomplished professional soccer player, a scholar, a humanitarian and an all around great advocate for equality and social justice.
A graduate of Howard University, he later played professional football in the English Premier League and Major League Soccer and was a standout goalkeeper for several first division clubs. He was also a member of the Trinidad and Tobago "Soca Warriors" who debuted at the 2006 World Cup.
He currently is a Soccer Analyst with ESPN, and is sought after for his perspectives and thoughts on a host of issues pertaining to the sport affectionately referred to as the "beautiful game."
Join us as we journey through his early years growing up in Trinidad and Tobago, and his legendary sporting exploits in high school and on to university. Catch up with him on the efforts he is undertaking in his homeland of Trinidad and Tobago. This is another episode you don't want to miss.
It's Easy Son: Life Lessons on Your Journey To Your Promise is a weekly, one-hour broadcast of interviews of thought leaders from a broad spectrum of society where we ask them about their journey from childhood to the place they hold now in society. The show is birthed out of my first book published in October of 2019. It is entitled, "It's Easy Son, Quit Making Things Difficult: Lasting Life Lessons from a Coach and Mentor".
It's Easy Son: Life Lessons on Your Journey To Your Promise airs on HBCUiRadio and HBCU Smart TV ( Amazon Fire TV, Roku and on Wednesday evenings at 8pm ET and weekends at 8am ET.